Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dragon Age Pen and Paper

I started looking at the Dragon Age Pen an Paper RPG and while it several regards it isn't perfect it has one thing that I think D&D lacks.  Rolling the dice is fun.  It was something I experienced with Earthdawn, a gimmick to the dice makes every roll more enjoyable.  In DA the system is to roll 3d6 one of which is a different color/size from the other two.  If the dice come up in doubles and equal or surpass the target number the result of the different die determines how many special points can be spent on the action.  This makes every roll exciting and even after the "crit" parallel decisions must be made.  In Earthdawn every die that is rolled at its max you roll again as many times as it happens.  Of course the drawback being that monsters get this too.  In D&D crits are exciting, but rare (I will note that wild sorcerers get a slice of the interesting dice roll pie).  At low enough levels I call every max damage roll a crit as a joke.  Little things like Exploding dice and doubles meaning something make the whole game a bit more fun.

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